Vacation Snow Removal:  Going on vacation and don't want to come back and shovel snow?  I will keep your driveway and sidewalks clear while you are away.  I GUARANTEE you will not get a ticket from the city for snow removal or I WILL PAY THE TICKET!

Note:  I am guaranteeing that snow will be removed within 24 hours and that the city will not ticket you.  I am not guaranteeing that if it snows at 3am you will wake up to a clear drive, i.e, Vacation snow removal.    

Property Management:  Need someone to maintain a rental property but you only have a small property to manage?  Many professional property management companies will only serve whole buildings.  I'll be happy to manage your rental property as you see fit.  No job too small!

Roofing:  I did roof a house once, but only once.  I'm very capable and willing to help out but I do not list this as one of my major skills.  I actually recommend either requesting my help as a worker, or hiring a professional for this.  Professionals will usually charge around $10,000 and be done in 3 days.  I will take 2 weeks but charge much, much less.